Oxgangs Growers

There is a growing group of around 27 like-minded, enthusiastic neighbours who have come together to improve greenspaces across Oxgangs – with wonderful results so far!
Community Gardener Stuart has supported residents of 3 Oxgangs Drive to create a ‘biodiversity border’ brimming with plants that attract a wide range of creatures and brighten up the area for local people. They also built wooden raised beds to grow fruit and veg (with occasional help from Crumble the dog.)
‘Being a part of the gardening group has been good for my mental health and has got me into the garden more and talking to people as they pass by.’ – Lesley, Oxgangs Growers.
Perhaps their biggest achievement to date was the amazing transformation of a previously unloved space by The Chip Inn on Oxgangs Rd N. The group cleared the space of weeds before planting it up with wildlife friendly plants and a sensory garden. It’s become a welcoming, colourful entrance to Oxgangs and a nice spot for the community to gather, all thanks to their enthusiasm!
Along the way the group have fostered friendships, often bringing homemade goods to enjoy together in BYO picnic style after gardening sessions – delicious food and good conversation after some fresh air on Saturday mornings, what more could you ask for?
They hope to inspire other neighbours to come together and improve their local areas, and are a really welcoming bunch, so get in touch if you’re local and want to make changes to your greenspace!
Get involved
Session times: Saturdays 10 - 1pm
Contact name: Pippa Lobban
Email: pippa@edibleestates.scot
Telephone: 07549431528