> Gardens

Redbraes Community Garden


Redbraes Community Garden is a gold-star example of how community spaces can become hubs for local people!

Redbraes Tenants Association set up the community garden in 2008, transforming an unused grassy area between community housing into a flourishing and vibrant community area that houses an apple tree orchard, wild raspberry areas, and four raised garden beds with a range of berries, as well as flowers and vegetables.

The garden is popular with local families, community groups, and schools, as it provides lots of opportunities to grow fruit and vegetables while learning about gardening, healthy eating, and teamwork.

They organise a monthly Sunday morning garden day from March-November, and have a voluntary garden committee, with members taking on other roles e.g. grass mowing, maintenance of garden structures – so lots of ways to lend a hand! There’s also an annual open day with a BBQ that’s always a great day for the community.

Fun Fact: Historically the growing site of plantsman James Grieve, the garden was started by a local policeman as a place to bring the area’s Scottish and Polish communities together.

Check out their Facebook Page to find out more.

Get involved

Session times: 1st Sun of Month Apr - Nov
Contact name: Grace Canham
Email: redbraesgarden@gmail.com

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