Redbraes Community Garden

Pippa Lobban

Redbraes Community Garden

Redbraes Community Garden aims to allow local people to grow their own fruit and vegetables, learn about gardening, healthy eating and teamwork with a view to increasing the health of the local community.  Redbraes Tenants Association set up the community garden in 2008 to provide new activities for residents and promote greater community integration.  The garden has been developed from an area of unused grass between community housing into a flourishing and vibrant well-used community area, with vegetables, flowers and wildlife. The garden is now popular with local families, community groups and schools using the site.

There is an orchard of mainly espalier apple trees along south and west facing boundary fences, with additional wild raspberry areas, and four raised garden beds with strawberries, blackcurrents, goodeberries, raspberries and blackberries alongside some perennial ornamental bedding plants.

They organise a monthly Sunday morning garden day generally from March to November.   They have a voluntary garden committee and some members take on other roles eg. Grass mowing, maintenance of garden structures etc.  Annual open day has always had a BBQ /food to share.

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