> Gardens

Lauriston Farm


No need for previous knowledge or experience with plants, growing, or conservation at Lauriston Farm (though they welcome any knowledge you have) – this is a great place to learn, volunteer and make a real positive difference to food and farming in Edinburgh!

The project has lots of volunteering sessions you can join, with something for everyone. There are weekly drop-in sessions in the Community Garden, or you might like to get involved with their Market Garden. They also have tree planting/care sessions several times a month, plus seasonal activities such as wildlife surveying opportunities in spring/summer, and harvesting and seed saving days in autumn.

For more info take a look at their fantastic website: https://www.lauristonfarm.scot/get-involved/volunteer/


Information provided by Hannah (Lauriston Farm)

Get involved

Session times: Drop-in Sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-3pm
Email: info@lauristonfarm.org

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> Stories and Updates

Harvest Celebration 2024

October 25, 2024


Photography by Colin Hattersley

Growing Together – it’s in the name! While we support council estate residents to start community growing projects with their neighbours or get involved in those that already exist in their local community, each individual growing project is also part of something bigger. They make up a web of gardens across Edinburgh, connected by shared goals among the like-minded folk that make them thrive – to build community, grow food together, and do something positive for themselves and others.

So, what better way to bring those folk together than with our first ever Harvest Celebration – good food, fun, and lots of rich discussion about community food growing made for a fantastic evening in September.

We kicked off the event with a tour of Sunshine on Leith Community Garden (SOL,) courtesy of participant Moyra. SOL is a tenemental backgreen with a vibrant group of growers that have worked together to create a beautiful garden in and for the community, which made it the perfect place for our guests to get inspired, by seeing first-hand what is possible for their own growing spaces.

Drill Hall hosted us for the rest of the evening, which, after welcoming the great turnout of gardeners and organisations, began with a Challenges of Community Growing Workshop. After discussing the challenges faced by growing projects in the city, each group was tasked with picking a challenge and brainstorming solutions. It was fantastic to see a cross-section of gardens and organisations exchange lots of creative ideas – some new, and others drawn from the wealth of knowledge and experience in the room.

‘Highlight: Meeting so many enthusiastic folk and the positive impact on mental health.’ – Guest feedback

We were also grateful to be joined by community councillor Katrina Faccenda, who gave us an informative and thought-provoking speech about the ‘right to grow’ for communities in Edinburgh, and how Edinburgh Council can facilitate that – a great reminder to contact your local councillor to express your desire for more community growing opportunities in your area.

Following this – it was time to enjoy some delicious food together courtesy of Out of the Blue Café (OOTB,) featuring produce donated by some of the fantastic gardens. Freshly pressed apple juice was also on the menu thanks to those donations, which was such a treat!

Diving into workshop number two, Future Greenspace, everyone discussed what opportunities they saw for more community gardening and greenspaces in their communities – a conversation that was brimming with ideas and will continue long after the event. The gardeners’ enthusiasm and care for their growing projects and communities was palpable here, and it was a real joy to witness their hopes for the future.

‘Loved exchanging ideas with other gardens, lovely film and delicious food.’ – Guest feedback

Our workshop portion ended with First Steps, where we had some great suggestions about how we can start to drive more action and change for community growing and greenspaces using the resources and knowledge available to us.

Edible Estates Growing Together 24 Event, Thur 26/09/2024:
Photography from: Colin Hattersley Photography – cphattersley@gmail.com – (+44) 7974 957 388 – www.colinhattersley.com

To round off a great evening, we wanted to celebrate the achievements of the gardens, beginning with the premiere of a film put together by Glenda Rome showcasing the amazing things taking place in community growing projects across the city – there was a real sense of pride in the room while watching!

‘So inspiring seeing what is happening in other community gardens. Exciting to think of the possibilities!’ – Guest feedback

Then, from creating a community orchard, securing funding, or making a garden more accessible, to beekeeping sessions, new compost bays, and a spectacular wildlife pond – every garden received a certificate and a Golden Trowel to mark all their fantastic efforts. Keep your eyes peeled for a full list and photos of the winners on our Facebook and Instagram.

With that, the celebrations ended, leaving us all with lots of ideas, inspiration, and things to consider moving forward. Feedback from our guests suggested this relaxed forum was a great way to bring community gardeners and local organisations together to support one another through the exchange of knowledge and resources, with suggestions for improvements to future events taken on board. As the year draws to a close and we begin to reflect and plan for 2025, we’re looking forward to highlighting and exploring the themes, challenges, and solutions discussed in the event’s presentations and workshops on our blog over the coming weeks. Here’s to many more events like this in the future!

‘It was super inspiring to have so many community minded folk in the same room! The evening showed the power of celebrating together and sharing learning. Here’s to much more of that!’ – Pippa Lobban, Garden Development Officer

A massive thank you to OOTB for the delicious community meal, Moyra and SOL for the garden tour, and of course to all of the gardeners and organisations who came along and made for such a positive, engaging evening.

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> Gardens

Wardieburn Community Backgreen


The community backgreen at Wardieburn Road was established back in 2012-13 by Re:Solution working with local residents on behalf of Edinburgh Council, and is still going strong! What was once an unloved, overgrown area in the centre of a square of tenement, is now a greenspace project and a hub for community activities, showing that with some TLC, greenspaces can become long-term assets to local areas.

It’s success is a credit to local resident Anna Mcgregor, a keen gardener who took on the role of community gardener for the project. The group was provided with a shared tool shed and tool set, as well as raised beds. The neighbours work together to manage the site – please get in touch with Anna if you live locally and would like to get involved.

Get involved

Contact name: Anna McGregor
Email: wardieburncb@gmail.com

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> Gardens

Sunshine on Leith Community Garden


Sunshine on Leith Community Garden houses a shared tool shed, community orchards, and 38 raised beds. The site is managed by a Growers Association of around 40 members who live at the site and in the neighbouring community – a lovely group of folk!

The garden is a real beauty – always in full, colourful bloom during the spring and summer months, buzzing with pollinators, and a bright spot for locals.

The group have held a number of workshops over the last couple of years, including fruit tree pruning, and are often brainstorming exciting new projects – whether that be growing rhubarb to infuse in gin, using birch offcuts to grow mushrooms, or growing perennial vegetables – the possibilities are endless with this creative group. Gardener Moyra also recently ran a wee tour of the site as part of our Harvest Event – which demonstrated how tenemental backgreens can flourish, and really inspired other growers.

Fun Fact: This was the last ‘community backgreen’ developed by Edinburgh Community Backgreens Association before it wound up – and unique in that a pathway into the site was installed, opening it up to the wider community. You could say it’s a piece of history in the area!

To find out how to get involved with workdays, contact the group through the SOL Gardens Facebook Page

Get involved

Session times: 1st Sun of month (Apr - Nov)
Contact name: Meg McGregor
Email: sunshineonleithgarden@gmail.com

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> Gardens

Redbraes Community Garden


Redbraes Community Garden is a gold-star example of how community spaces can become hubs for local people!

Redbraes Tenants Association set up the community garden in 2008, transforming an unused grassy area between community housing into a flourishing and vibrant community area that houses an apple tree orchard, wild raspberry areas, and four raised garden beds with a range of berries, as well as flowers and vegetables.

The garden is popular with local families, community groups, and schools, as it provides lots of opportunities to grow fruit and vegetables while learning about gardening, healthy eating, and teamwork.

They organise a monthly Sunday morning garden day from March-November, and have a voluntary garden committee, with members taking on other roles e.g. grass mowing, maintenance of garden structures – so lots of ways to lend a hand! There’s also an annual open day with a BBQ that’s always a great day for the community.

Fun Fact: Historically the growing site of plantsman James Grieve, the garden was started by a local policeman as a place to bring the area’s Scottish and Polish communities together.

Check out their Facebook Page to find out more.

Get involved

Session times: 1st Sun of Month Apr - Nov
Contact name: Grace Canham
Email: redbraesgarden@gmail.com

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> Gardens

Prestonfield Allotments


Prestonfield Allotments is a micro-allotment site run by its own association. The site was installed in 2015 by the CEC Neighbourhood Environment Programme, with 13 plots for local residents.

The site is a lovely example of how creative you can be with your own plot, with members each taking different approaches – whether that be building a small greenhouse for example, or installing a mini polytunnel.

All plots are currently occupied, but if you are a Prestonfield resident interested in a plot please get in touch!


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> Gardens

Citadel Growers


Through Bethany Christian Trust’s Inspiring Leith programme, a group of enthusiastic people have been beautifying a community garden space next to Persevere and Citadel Courts.

They’ve created growing spaces with areas to gather and relax, installed raised beds accessible to those in need of mobility adjustments, and are making lots of progress – it’s set to be quite the transformation.

In collaboration with Lend a Hand & Growing Youth, a community shed is being built so gardeners can still come together throughout the winter months (and the summer rain!)

Fun Fact: The group have been growing together since 2020, when they restored a neglected site, and they’ve built-up friendships and lots of gardening skills ever since.

If you live locally, you’re welcome to drop by – get in touch.

Get involved

Session times: Thursdays (throughout summer months)
Contact name: Colin Campbell
Email: colincampbell@bethanychristiantrust.com
Telephone: 07919 557 691

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> Gardens

Magdelene Community Garden


Magdalene Community Garden was started in 2015 by local people working alongside Community Alliance Trust and Re:Solution, and has thrived as a space for community activities ever since – with events such as music gigs and Mexican fiestas (plus an annual Santa’s Grotto) taking place regularly in the abundant and productive garden!

If you live locally you’re more than welcome to attend local workdays and events, and can get in touch to take on a growing bed.

Take a peek at the garden’s Facebook Page to see what they’re upto!

Get involved

Contact name: Lisa Goddard
Email: magdalene@edibleestates.co.uk

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> Gardens

Lochend Secret Garden


Built in 2011, Lochend Secret Garden is a thriving community project home to a really welcoming bunch of folk – 53 in total! It was originally a project born from the local community alongside Carr Gomm and Edinburgh Community Backgreens Association, and is now run by an association made up of plot holders.

Locals are encouraged to come along to Wednesday afternoon sessions, or take on a raised bed for growing. All sorts of fun-filled community events take place regularly – silent discos, curry afternoons, breathing workshops – anything goes, but they nearly always include making good use of the pizza oven!

Keep up to date on what’s happening on their Facebook Page.

Get involved

Session times: Wednesdays 12:30 - 3:30pm
Contact name: Dot Stuart
Email: lochendsecretgarden@gmail.com

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> Gardens

Kirkliston Community Garden


Kirkliston community garden is next to Alison Park in Kirkliston, with several raised beds mostly for community growing. The lovely people at Kirkliston Community Conservation Volunteers set up and run the project as part of their aim to make the village beautiful!

It all began with installing floral displays and planters while tidying the streets, and the group now runs are regular community workshops and fun events to get involved in. Every one welcome!

Head over to their Facebook page for updates.

Get involved

Contact name: https://www.kccv.org.uk/join-us

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