Portobello Residents Begin Work To Develop Mount Lodge Green Biodiversity Project

April 13, 2023

Residents of Mount Lodge in Portobello recently approached the City of Edinburgh Council and Edible Estates with ideas to develop a disused green space on their street, which had been locked for as long as anyone could remember.

Aside from four mature cherry trees placed in each corner, Mount Lodge Green is an otherwise empty area of mowed grass. Following a community-led survey investigating how local residents wanted the area to be used, it was identified that improving biodiversity was a priority. The residents were then supported to design a plan, which included developing a central grass space with perennial plants (some of which will be edible,) a wildlife border, and bird boxes – all with the view to improve biodiversity. Led by Community Gardener, Paul, residents have been supported to put these plans into action by preparing and planting the site in a series of four workshops.

The first gardening workshop in March was well attended by residents both young and old, some of whom were meeting one another for the first time. Everyone got stuck in to mark out and dig areas ready for planting, and erect two handmade bird boxes. Another workshop on the 1st of April saw residents dig compost and begin planting up the biodiversity circle in time for spring.

We’re delighted to see residents gain access to and make use of a previously unused space in a way that fosters a sense of community. We wish residents the best of luck with the project going forward, and will continue to support the group as needed. We look forward to seeing how the space develops over the coming months!